DIY Flowerbed

by Team 19

How do you affect Nature?

Project Description

The concept involves the creation, planting and nurturing of an artificial flower by the user to raise awareness about their capabilities in contributing to the wellbeing of nature, that it is an accomplishing task that any individual in the world can achieve. The goal is to bring about this feeling of accomplishment within users by gradually having an entire garden bed be filled with each user's unique flowers as more and more users decide to participate. This experience emphasises the significance of every individual's contribution within a collaborative effort, and how it can quickly accumulate to something worthy of comparison to the restoration of nature in real life, a project that may feel unreachable for an individual. Each step in the making of the flower will be hands-on and highly responsive, imitating that of a real flower and the procedures to caring for one, from giving it life to nurturing its wellbeing. This process is designed to be enjoyable and memorable, with sufficient complexity in its creation to not repel the user with its lengthiness or bore the user with its simplicity. Seeing their creations be part of a large showcase among a collection of others who have done the same becomes a rewarding experience and carries the message onwards to both people who have and have not participated. The aim of this concept is for users to recognise that their every contribution to nature is valuable no matter how small it may be and to incentivise them to start taking action, be part of a rewarding experience nurturing for life.

Technical Description

LED integration with stereo plugs and sockets

Our project involves connecting jumper wires to stereo plugs and stereo sockets, then jumper wires from the plug are connected to the LED light, and jumper wires from the socket are connected to the circuit board so that when the stereo jack is plugged into the socket, the LED lights rapidly flash.

Ultrasonic sensor integration with LED lights

We've integrated an ultrasonic sensor with the LED lights. As objects approach the ultrasonic sensor, the flashing speed of the lights varies; the closer the object, the slower the flashing speed until it stops altogether.

Water level sensing and motor control

We've incorporated a water level sensor into our system. When the sensor detects a certain water level in a container, a motor is activated. As the water level decreases to a certain point, the motor stops.

Utilising siphon effect for water drainage

To facilitate the drainage of water from the container, we've utilised the siphon effect. By connecting both ends of a plastic bottle with two water pipes, squeezing the bottle causes water from the higher container to be siphoned into the lower container.