Our project designed a space that combines exploration and gamification concepts to offer users a playful and novel experience without specific quests leading to winning or losing. Users can freely explore the physical interactions in the space by using the trident and hand lamp designed with light. These objects will allow the users to interact with the sea creatures such as fish and seaweed.
Users can control the seaweed using the trident as if they are the ruler of the ocean. They will also be able to move around with the fish and help them to find their homes. Moreover, when the fish come closer to the coral, their home, the colours of the coral will change. It is caused by the colour sensor in the fish to detect the coral's colour, which triggers the change of the light colours.
Such augmented technology helps us enable a space resembling underwater beauty. Hopefully, this interactive space could enhance users' understanding of marine biodiversity and support conservation efforts through engaging and hands-on activities.

Technical Description
The seaweed function of the prototype is designed to simulate the natural motion of seaweed in water. The physical form of the seaweed consists of cut green plastic sheets shaped to resemble seaweed strands. An internal rod is attached between two plastic sheets, connected to a servo motor. An LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) is strategically placed on the seaweed. These components are interconnected with an Arduino microcontroller, which is soldered onto a breadboard. Fishing wire is utilized to suspend the seaweed model from a manifold, facilitating its movement.
LDR sensors are attached onto the strands of seaweed fitted to a servo motor to generate a wavy motion in the seaweed. The servo motor moves the internal rod back and forth, simulating the natural sway of seaweed. An Arduino microcontroller coordinates the operation of these components, controlling the servo motor based on input from the LDR sensor.It commands the servo motor to move continuously until the LDR detects a change in light intensity. Upon detection of light, indicating an external stimulus, the code instructs the servo motor to stop, pausing the motion of the seaweed. The seaweed is designed such that it starts moving after a preset delay coded into the Arduino where this loop continues throughout the experience.
The fish function replicates the movement and behavior of aquatic creatures, featuring six models of fish in three different shapes resembling octopus, hammer head sharks and whales. Constructed from plywood, the fish models are equipped with motors and sensors. Including holes for attaching an Arduino microcontroller, breadboard, and a battery holder. Special wheels facilitate the models movement on land.
The models consists of 360-degree servo motors and DC motors attached to specialized wheels enabling the fish to move in various directions. Arduino microcontrollers control the motion, speed, and direction of the fish, receiving input from two LDR sensors mounted at the front. Color sensors beneath the fish detect specific colors, causing the fish to stop moving when near corals of corresponding hues. The Arduino code governs the behavior of the fish function, utilizing input from LDR sensors to determine the direction of light. When one sensor detects more light than the other, the code adjusts the motion of the fish accordingly, enabling it to turn towards the light source. Additionally, color sensor data triggers the cessation of fish movement when near corals of specific colors.
The coral function comprises PVC pipes assembled into various shapes, adorned with colored paper to enhance the aesthetic appeal. A black base beneath the coral serves as a reference color for the color sensor, enabling it to detect and halt motion when near the coral.
The trident and lamp serve as interaction tools for users within the environment. The trident, made of thick cardboard, features a torch/LED light at the top, allowing users to shine light and trigger LDR sensors on the seaweed, halting its movement. Similarly, the lamp hosts LED lights used to interact with the fish, controlling their movement based on which LDR sensor is triggered.