Planet Ring

by Team Halo

Express it, experience it

The theme explored in this project is: "Expressible." Based on the design framework of technology, people, and future everyday life, the project explores the inner reason behind the appearance of people's expression through creative interaction methods and tries to determine the relationship between people's expression purpose, methods, and colour emotions. Finally, the project transforms the audience's personal visual expression into a meaningful emotional sound output (referring to Kandinsky‘s theory of colour and music), simulating the synaesthesia experience of people hearing colours.

Three layers of rotatable panels form the prototype of this project, and each layer has several topics that can establish its emotional connection with the audience. The audience chooses emotional expression cards to show what kind of expression and colour they use to express the selected topic. The digital system outputs unique musical feedback by users spinning the three-layer panel from any direction.

Technical Description

The colour sensor module uses the TCS230 programmable colour light-to-frequency converter, which combines a configurable silicon photodiode and a current-to-frequency converter on a single CMOS integrated circuit. The built-in oscillator generates square wave signals of different frequencies from the light reflected from the object's surface. The S0, S1 ports determine the output signal scaling factor and the S2, S3 ports determine which light is allowed to pass through the filter. The red, green, blue, transparent four photodiodes are interconnected to reduce the effect of inhomogeneities in the incident light.

First, set the scale factor for converting the number of pulses of the TCS3200 output signal to RGB standard values. Then, obtain the RGB standard value by multiplying the scale factor by the number of pulses of the TCS3200 output signal stored in the cycle. Using code in the Arduino development board to make logical judgements to differentiate between the RGB values of the five colours (blue, purple, yellow, red and green). Imported the identified values into the Unity system as the basis for the judgement. The values are judged in Unity using C# code to determine the output audio and visual feedback.

Unity obtains audio material via external import. Multiple audio opponents are created to load different audio, and then these audio opponents are assigned to different colours. The audio is then sequenced by C# code.

Besides, to enable the three colour sensor modules to work independently, three different ports were created in the Arduino setting, creating three separate C# code files in Unity, each corresponding to a different port of the Arduino. When the prototype is launched, the different Arduino codes are imported for the colour sensor modules in order, and then running the Unity system, the prototype works appropriately. By combining a programmable LED strip light with a photosensitive LDR sensor module, the sensor first measures the initial light level, uses code to implement a repeated measurement of the light parameter and continually compares it with the previous parameter to determine if the object is in a stable state. When the object is static, the LED strip light is set to go out, and vice versa. The strip is lit. The strip light is controlled by code to change the brightness, the number of LED beads and the lighting sequence. In order to provide a stable power supply to the Circuit Playground Board, two battery packs are connected in series to the VCC and GND of the development board to ensure a stable 5v supply.